Finding An Item
There are multiple ways to find an item on
- Search by entering a Keyword or Item Number in the Search box
- Browse our product catalogue by clicking the links found on each page
- Utilize the filter bar at the bottom of the screen, to narrow down your criteria
If you would like more information about an item you see on, simply click on the item to go to the Product Details page.
The Product Details page will provide you with detailed information to help you learn more about the product.
Check out all the features available on a Product Details page:
- Item Number is a great reference when you want to locate a product again by using the Search feature
- Images offer you a visual of the product. For many items, we provide the ability to see a larger view of the product by clicking "Enhanced View" or "Zoom," as well as multiple angles
- Available Sizes for a particular product are listed in the size drop-down menu
- Available Colours for a particular product are displayed as swatches and are also listed in the colour drop-down menu
- Features & Specifications provide detailed product-specific information
- Find In Store feature to see inventory levels at an Atmosphere location nearest you
- Product Reviews offer ratings, opinions and information and you can also add your own product review
- Buying Guides can be used to help you make informed purchasing decisions
- Product Videos, offering more information and in-use view of the product